Earning money on eBay is somehting that anyone can do, and it may be the only online business that you'll ever need. From Domain Names to DVDs, from Cars to Real Estate, from coins, antiques and jewelry to clothes, electronics, plane tickets and more. 99 eBay Tips, Tricks & Secrets shows you how exactly how to make money on virtually everything on Ebay.
And the really cool part is that you don't ever even have to sell a product ... because the powersellers do all the work for you! Regardless of what item is being sold, you get paid their item sells! Over 167 MILLION People Shop On eBay...They Spend Nearly 25 Billion Dollars A Year! eBay is teeming with HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of potential customers and they are eager and ready to purchase every imaginable item up for auction. In fact there are nearly 200 Million people who are registered to shop on eBay! These are all people looking to spend money, and that is exactly what they do when they go to eBay. How much do they spend on eBay....would you believe as much as 24 Billion Dollars a year! That's right. They're wallets are open, and they are ready to spend money.
Did you know that since you started reading this page, about $150,000.000 worth of goods were sold on eBay? Think about that for a minute.... that's about $150,000.000 generated in about 3 minutes in just one place. It's truly impressive how much money eBay generates! But that's not all, during the next hour, over 2.5 MILLION DOLLARS will be spent on eBay! That's over 60 MILLION DOLLARS IN JUST ONE DAY!!
Amazing....isn't it?
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