Friday, December 24, 2010

What's working for you online?

With regard to your online business, do you have any true idea what exactly is working for you (or what is not working for you) right now?  The answer, or rather the lack of being able to come up with that answer, may be the biggest reason that you are not having the success that you'd like to have.

Understanding exactly what is working, and then trying to improve it, is not the sexy part of building your business.  It's not necessarily 'fun'. No, everyone dreams of finding that sweet spot where everything just works like clock-work.  The problem is that, unless you are extremely lucky, that is not going to happen. Even some of the smartest marketers I know don’t get things perfect the first time.  What you don’t see is the constant changing, testing and tracking that is being done before that big product launch. It keeps happening even during the launch to increase the results.  All too often, that 'instant success' you're jealous of (and want to emulate) only came about on the 40th version of the process!

That's why most newbie Internet Marketers never get there, because…

1) They quit on try #3 or maybe never even tried a 2nd version (not that you would quit that quickly).
2) They never learned what was working and what was not.
3) They kept doing the same thing and expected a different result. (A true definition for insanity)
4) They didn't give it enough time to work.

If you're going to include a strong program like TrafficWave or Global NPN in your product launch (or market either one as a stand-alone affiliate program), you're going to want big numbers through viral action when it comes to enrollment.  That's going to require a well-thought-out promotion, lots of advertising, a strong JV partner and a lot of testing.  It's probably going to take money, too.  So figure out exactly what's working for you right now (even if it's only working a little!) and focus your mind and energy on refining and improving that.

Never stop learning and focus on what works, and you will have far greater success in the long run...

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